Elective Home Education Overseas - New Policy

The new policy for Elective Home Education Overseas is now live and should be accessed by Armed Forces personnel on the MOD's DIN Library.  
The DIN replaces Ministry of Defence (MOD) policy contained in JSP 342: Education of Service Children and Young People (Version 4.0, Chapter 4, Paras 50-57, dated Sep 2019).
Please note:
DIN's can only be accessed through a MOD recognised network.
As in Modnet or Defence Gateway.
Secure log-ins required.
 The DIN is supported by a Parental Guide and these documents aim to provide comprehensive direction and guidance for all personnel who are either considering or delivering elective home education to their children overseas.
 The Parental Guide is attached.
Elective Home Education_Parental Guide_V1.0.pdf