Royal Navy Family & People Support

If you are in crisis or need professional support, our Portal Team provide specialist advice and guidance on personal or family matters.

Core RN FPS Portal Team Working Hours:

Monday to Thursday - 0800 to 1600

Friday - 0800 to 1530

Weekends and Bank Holidays - Closed

Telephone: 0800 145 6088 

Email: [email protected]

Outside of these hours, please call your nearest / relevant Officer of the Watch who will contact the RN FPS Duty Worker:

Portsmouth - 02392 723875

Plymouth - 01752 555220

Faslane - 01436 674321 Ext 4005

Yeovilton - 01935 455444 / 455446

Due to a heightened level of calls into the Portal, please be aware that it may take up to 7 working days for a Caseworker to be allocated to you.

All calls will be assessed and dealt with in order of priority.

The Portal Team apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Joint Casualty and Compassionate Centre (JCCC)

In the unfortunate circumstance that it is necessary for you to apply for the service person’s return from overseas on compassionate grounds such as death in your immediate family, serious illness or family crisis you should telephone the JCCC on 01452 519951.

When you call you will be asked the following information: Service Number; Rank; Name; Home Unit; Current Location of the service person; Full details of the relative concerned; Their location; Name of Doctor, Hospital and/or any other organisations involved in their case.

RN FPS Information Support

If there is a question you cannot find the answer to then email: [email protected]

RN FPS Forum

If you have any issues or concerns with the Royal Navy Forum then email: [email protected]

The Digital Team provide support from 0800 – 2200, 7 days a week. 

Useful Support Numbers and Websites

Royal Navy Chaplains

The Chaplaincy can be contacted via the OOW noted above or via the following numbers: 

HMS Drake, Raleigh, BRNC & CTC: 07773 156768 (please use for calls only) 

HMNB Portsmouth and PORFLOT: 02392 723000 

HMS Collingwood: 01329 335277  

HMS Sultan: 02392 543181 

Southwick Guard Room: 02392 284428 

RNAS Yeovilton: 07767 478844 

HMS Culdrose: 01326 552388 

HMS Culdrose SOOD: 01326 552145 

HMS Neptune, HMNB Clyde, Faslane, Helensburgh, Argyll & Bute: 01436 674321, ext. 8266 

HMS Neptune DNBO: 01436 674321, Ext: 4005

Aggie's Pastoral Workers

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 079 7764 1876

Defence Medical Welfare Service

Support for health, money, housing, family, substance misuse, or need someone to talk to.

Available to Tri-Service Personnel, Reservists, Veterans and Family Members / Carers.

Helpline - 0800 999 3697 (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm)


Available 24/7 and provides self-help assistance that can enhance mood, drive and confidence.  The tool aims to help defence people manage anxiety and stress caused by the coronavirus pandemic alongside the stresses of everyday life.


Support for Royal Marines with concerns about their Mental Health 

Tel: 01206 817057

Combat Stress Mental Health Helpline

Open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year  

Tel: 0800 138 1619 

Text: 07537404719 

Email: [email protected]


Open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year 

Tel: 116 123 

Email: [email protected] (response time 24 hours) 

Samaritans Self Help App:

SSAFA Forces Line

Available Monday to Friday (including Bank Holidays) from 0900 - 1730 

Tel: 0800 731 4880

Aurora New Dawn

A registered charity giving safety, support, advocacy, and empowerment to survivors of domestic abuse, sexual violence and stalking. 

Tel: 02394 216 816

Email: [email protected]

Royal British Legion

Online Chat service available 0800 - 2000, 7 days a week. 

Tel: 0808 802 8080

National Debtline

Free and independent debt advice online and over the phone, Mon - Fri 0900 -2000, Sat 0930 - 1300. 

Tel: 0808 808 4000

Mind - The Mental Health Charity

A wealth of information to support individuals who are concerned about their Mental Health with a helpline open Mon - Fri 0900 - 1800 (not open Bank holidays) 

Tel: 0300 123 3393


Offers online support for those in Psychological distress. This service provides a safe and anonymous support to anyone struggling with a range of common mental health issues, or feel burdened by everyday worries and concerns.

BBC Headroom

A mental health toolkit which contains essential everyday tips and personal stories. This service encourages you to get talking and have meaningful conversations about mental health.


A variety of resources and articles about mediation and mindfulness.


Offers an online chat facility.


Offers an online chat facility.

Royal British Legion Financial and Legal Support

Offers financial and employment support.

Money Helper

Tel: 0800 011 3797