Best bits from the HIVE’s 40th anniversary launch event

Best bits from the HIVE’s 40th anniversary launch event

Catch up on the highlights from the HIVE's 40th anniversary event that took place on Tuesday 18 June 2024.

On Tuesday 18 June, the HIVEs – including the Royal Navy Family and People Support – celebrated their 40th anniversary in the Memorial Courtyard, Ministry of Defence (MOD) Main Building.

As well as raising awareness of what the HIVEs do and their history, the event also recognised the positive difference they have made to hundreds of thousands of lives in the Service community. Whether it’s by giving a warm welcome to families on overseas postings or working with MOD colleagues to make sure that the right information reaches the right people.

The event welcomed Main Building colleagues, as well as representatives from various Armed Forces charities, who share the same commitment – to improve the overall experience of Defence’s Armed Forces community. 

In case you missed it, we captured some highlights…

Here’s Nikki Peterson, Head Army HIVE, giving a warm welcome to attendees:

Speaking about the HIVE’s 40th anniversary, Nikki said:

"I’ve worked for the HIVEs for 20 years and have received personal support from the HIVEs for even longer – as a former Service person and Service spouse

 “It’s a privilege, both personally and professionally, to celebrate the HIVE's 40th anniversary, especially in the year that marks other big moments for Defence. This includes the 80th D-Day anniversary and the Ministry of Defence's (MOD) 60th birthday, which presents the case for HIVE to exist.  

“We hope that our event and communications over the past couple of weeks have helped our colleagues to better understand how the HIVEs support our Service families and the single Services to live, work and deliver.” 

Here’s Air Commodore Wendy Rothery, Head Diversity and Inclusion, speaking at the event:

Speaking about the HIVE’s 40th anniversary, Air Cdre Wendy said: 

“As a Royal Air Force (RAF) Personnel Officer, I have experienced first-hand the immense support provided by the HIVE over many years. 

“Two moments are especially memorable for me – supporting the move of Royal Navy families from Somerset to Wittering to form the Joint Force Harrier, and during the Afghanistan War, when a high proportion of Service personnel were deployed on operations. The HIVE was the community support hub and provided outstanding support for the entire Armed Forces community throughout. 

“On Tuesday, I was delighted to launch the 40th anniversary event and would like to thank all those who helped make it happen. I would also like to pay tribute to everyone who has been involved with the HIVEs over the past 40 years. Thanks to them, accurate, reliable and, most importantly, trusted information has reached our people when they needed it most. From helping Service families to prepare for an overseas move, and supporting our community during operational deployments, to signposting to specialist support agencies.”  

Here’s Air Commodore Wendy Rothery cutting a cake that was generously provided by the Queen's Gurkha Engineers catering team, based in Maidstone.

That’s right, there were two cakes!

The event also showcased a cake with beehives, which was the HIVE’s branding in the early years. This cake was decorated by AS1, Ashley Faulkner, a mobilised 504 Sqn RAF Reservist.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to join this week’s celebratory event, and who made a charity donation. Thanks to you, almost £200 was raised for two HIVE 40 charity partners, Celebrating Forces Families and Operation Christmas Box. 

What’s next for the HIVE 40 celebrations?

There are more HIVE 40 events taking place in the UK and overseas. To find out what local events are taking place, contact your local HIVE: Royal Navy Family and People Support (www), Army HIVE (www),  RAF HIVE (www).