Tri Service Spouses & Partners: Self-Employment Discovery 3-Day Course

The online workshop will be over three dates: 16th November, 22nd November, and 29th November 2023.

It will start at 9:30am each day and finish at 4:30pm.

X-Forces Enterprise (XFE) is excited to relaunch their popular 3-day training course designed exclusively for Tri-Service Spouses & Partners, of serving personnel, reservists, and veterans, who are looking to explore alternative employment options.

Learn new skills and achieve your goals with our online course designed especially for military spouses & partners.

Working in the group will benefit your learning experience and will develop valuable enterprise skills. Expand your horizons, build friendships and connections.

Empower yourself with education benefits, get all your questions answered, and discover opportunities for you.

More Information and Registration Here