Final Evaluation of the Military Coworking Hubs Pilot Project

To ensure that the MCN continues to meet the needs of military spouses, an independent evaluation was commissioned to understand the project's benefits and areas for improvement. The final independent Evaluation of the Military Coworking Hubs Pilot Project has been published. The evaluation acknowledged the range of difficulties faced by military spouses and partners due to their involvement in the military community. These difficulties include: 

  • living in isolated military bases
  • facing career progression challenges and CV gaps due to frequent relocations
  • assuming a disproportionate burden of supporting children
  • shouldering domestic responsibilities 
  • being far from their support network 
  • experiencing feelings of loneliness leading to mental health challenges 
  • reduced confidence
  • encountering a lack of job opportunities in their chosen industry at their posted locations  

The final evaluation survey revealed that military partners often feel that their careers are considered less important than their partners', and they must overcome various barriers to start, develop, or sustain their own careers. However, 59% of respondents to the Evaluation of the Military Coworking Hubs Pilot Project: First Phase reported an expanded network and increased connections since joining the Coworking Hub.

"It's a great opportunity for us to share contacts and ideas in a way that we'd never be able to do virtually, even using all the social media we have access to. It's just one of those things you just don't get when you're not face-to-face."

Increased productivity was a prominent theme in interviews. Some hub users indicated that the resources and set-up at the hub helped them to be more productive as they could rely on things like strong Wi-Fi connection.

The survey also found that working from the Coworking Hub in a stimulating environment with all necessary facilities increased productivity for the majority of hub users (91%). The vast majority of hub users reported fewer distractions (97%), more structure (88%) and improved working habits (78%), as well as increased motivation (87%).

"I'm more productive when I'm actually at the hubs doing work from there rather than at home because there are no distractions."

Working around others was also associated with increased productivity, as people found they were more motivated to work and to use their time efficiently. They benefited from the resource of other people’s expertise and picked up good work habits from each other.

Furthermore, the evaluation demonstrated that regular attendance at the hubs had a positive effect on the job opportunities available to partners and spouses. Almost half of hub users have been looking for a job in the last year (47%), and over half of them reported finding it difficult to get a job that suits their needs (55%). The majority of hub users report a positive effect of the Coworking Hubs of their career (61%).

"It's made me realise I can start my own business if I wanted to - I think sometimes you just need the confidence to give it a go."

Switching off when working from home was highlighted in interviews as a significant challenge and disadvantage of working from home. 69% of Coworking Hub users also found a similar challenge with ‘switching on’ – getting in the right frame of mind to work, without leaving the house and entering a working environment.

"Just being able to come out to an office, and have that separation, it's made an absolute world of difference.  You feel like you're actually working and building a business rather than sat at home amidst a pile of ironing while your serving spouse is out doing whatever."

The independent survey found that working from the hubs makes users’ feel less lonely, improves their confidence and their mental health and wellbeing and helps them to regain their personal identity.

We are thrilled with the results of the final stage of the external evaluation and will be working hard to ensure that the learnings are incorporated into the next evolution of the MCN. If you would like to read the full Final Evaluation of the Military Coworking Hubs Pilot Project survey, you can read it here.