Single Living Accommodation - Defence Minimum Standard Update

The Defence Minimum Standard (DMS) for Single Living Accommodation (SLA) was launched as part of the Defence Accommodation Strategy (DAS) in 2022. This aims to introduce a minimum standard for SLA raising the baseline quality across the entire Defence estate, which must offer individuals private, quiet, secure, dry, appropriately ventilated and heated space with access to hot water.

Setting out a clear vision to improve accommodation for those serving in the Armed Forces, the strategy promotes the fair allocation of accommodation and ensure better value for money whilst promoting environmental sustainability.

We expect the majority of accommodation to surpass the DMS basic criteria.

However, there are some challenges - the DMS is a relatively new standard, the cost of meeting it may be considerable in certain areas, especially the older parts of the estate as we’ll have to adapt to certain building regulations for historical buildings. This is not a barrier, but an acceptance that it will take more time. 

Despite these challenges, the DMS is a valuable standard that will work to improve the quality of life for all Service personnel. For more information please see the Defence Accommodation Strategy, further information will be published in JSP 464 Vol 2 at the end of April 2024.

Take at look this helpful  SWAY .