End of Walkaway Scheme - Feb 2022

From 1st February 2022 Amey will no longer be running the Walkaway Scheme.

This means you will be unable to book a move-out appointment after 31st January 2022.

The Walkaway Scheme mailbox will remain open until 14th February 2022 to help with any ongoing queries.

Move-out dates scheduled after this date will result in a cancellation and a refund being processed.

If you have to delay your appointment due to operational reasons, such as moved deployment date, Amey will be unable to book any date that falls after 31st January.

This again will result in a cancellation and refund.

Amey will be unable to action refunds after end March 2022.

At the pre move-out appointment, your housing officer will identify where standard have not been met and will give you the opportunity to engage local cleaners and trades to rectify any issues before official move-out.

More details here.